Justin Case

I notice that I tend to favor lower-case. I mean, I'll use upper case where it's appropriate (or my OCD demands it), like with titles/headings, beginnings of sentences, proper nouns, etc., but the rest of the time I use lower-case as a compulsion.

For example, where SQL would traditionally exepect upper case for reserved words, like this:

  AVG(Income) AverageIncome
FROM people
WHERE Age >= 21
GROUP BY City, State

I would tend to write it as:

  ,avg(Income) AverageIncome
from people
where Age >= 21
group by

because the code is interpreted the same anyway.

All of my filenames are lower-case, I usually write code in lower-case, I create tasks-lists in lower-case, etc.

It's not a big deal, just something I noticed about myself.