Nothing To Hide

Inspired by post:

...arguing that you don't care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say.

I like this argument. I used it on someone who says they have nothing to hide. They said the two things weren't related, which I didn't understand. However, I think the parallel is there; privacy and speech are both freedoms, if you're not willing to suspend one, why are you willing to suspend the other? It seems like a valid point to me, but then, you can't argue with everybody.

I need privacy, not because my actions are questionable, but because your judgment and intentions are.

This one feels a little more paranoid, but I think it still holds true. I may not be trying to hide anything, but I'm not particularly excited about what you're going to do with the information if I just give it to you.

There are plenty of areas where I surrender my private information willingly; doctor visits, some forms of banking, my employer, etc. But with others, I feel like it's my right to withhold information about myself and my habits if I don't agree with what you're going to do with that information.

It's that simple.

Would you rather your phone number be posted on every billboard in New York City, or would you rather only hand it out to the friends and family you want contacting you?